5 things to do in January to get excited for gardening season!

5 things to do in January to get excited for gardening season!

1.  Start planning:  Think about what you want to plant this year in your gardens. What worked well last season?  What didn’t?  What is something new you would you like to try this year?  What perennials do you want to plant or transplant?  Are there landscape projects you want to tackle?  Plan now to plant later so when Spring arrives you are ready to roll!

2.  Start planting:  You can plant and grow seeds inside during the winter months to transplant to your gardens when they are ready.  You can also start your plants using the winter seed sowing method.  January is a good time to get those seeds started!

3. Order a seed catalog and seeds:  There is nothing better for a gardener's January soul than thumbing through a seed catalog or stopping by your favorite landscape center to peruse the seed racks.  Grab some of your favorites to start now or to plant later. 

4.  Inventory and refresh your gardening supplies:  Go through (or reflect on) your garden equipment (hoses, tools, gloves, etc.) and purge anything that is broken and non-repairable.  Consider donating anything you have duplicates of. If you need to replace anything, make a list and start shopping.  You might find some good deals in January!

5.  Take a course:  There are many online courses and webinars available with a variety of gardening topics.  Here in Maine, the University of Maine Cooperative Extension is a great place to start.  Check out their website extension.umaine.edu.
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